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Catholic Bible

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Revelation to John

T he Revelation to John was written at a time when Christians were being persecuted because…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Letter from Jude

T he Letter from Jude was written to warn against false teachers who claimed to be believer…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Third Letter of John

T he Third Letter of John was written by "the Elder" to a church leader named Gai…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Second Letter of John

T he Second Letter of John was written by "the Elder" to "the dear Lady and …

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The First Letter of John

T he First Letter of John has two main purposes: to encourage its readers to live in fellow…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Second Letter from Peter

T he Second Letter from Peter is addressed to a wide circle of early Christians. Its main c…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The First Letter from Peter

T he First Letter from Peter was addressed to Christians, here called "God's chose…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Letter from James

T he Letter from James is a collection of practical instructions, written to "all God&…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Letter to The Hebrews

T he Letter to the Hebrews was written to a group of Christians who, faced with increasing …

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to Philemon

P hilemon was a prominent Christian, probably a member of the church at Colossae and the ow…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to Titus

T itus was a Gentile convert to Christianity who became a fellow worker and assistant to Pa…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Second Letter to Timothy

P aul's Second Letter to Timothy consists largely of personal advice to Timothy, as a y…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's First Letter to Timothy

T imothy, a young Christian from Asia Minor, was the son of a Jewish mother and a Greek fat…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Second Letter to The Thessalonians

C onfusion over the expected return of Christ continued to cause disturbances in the church…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's First Letter to The Thessalonians

T hessalonica was the capital city of the Roman province of Macedonia. Paul established a c…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to The Colossians

P aul's Letter to the Colossians was written to the church at Colossae, a town in Asia …

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to The Philippians

P aul's Letter to the Philippians was written to the first church that Paul established…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to The Ephesians

P aul's Letter to the Ephesians is concerned first of all with "God's plan... …

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to The Galatians

A s the good news about Jesus began to be preached and welcomed among people who were not J…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Second Letter to The Corinthians

P aul's Second Letter to the Corinthians was written during a difficult period in his r…