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Code Converter Online Tool

Facebook Pixel, Google AdSense, HTML, XML and JavaScript Codes Converter Tool

If you have a problem with some HTML, XML, JavaScript codes that sometimes your blog template does not accept when you press the save button. Then you need this Facebook Pixel, AdSense, HTML, XML and JavaScript Codes Converter Tool to convert into the correct format by replacing the reserved HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) characters with their XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) equivalents. It’s basically a simple HTML Encoder that automatically replaces all HTML special characters such as & to &amp; / ' to &#039; / " to &quot; / < to &lt; / > to &gt;.

Example: Have you just encountered this error "Error parsing XML, line XXX, column XX: The reference to entity "ev" must end with the ';' delimiter." when adding Facebook Pixel's code just above the </head> tag on your Blogger and/or Blogspot template? Nothing to worry just copy-paste your Facebook Pixel Code or any codes you want to convert to the text field below then press the Convert button. Copy the converted code (CTRL + A then CTRL + C) into the correct format and paste it on your website. Ta-da! You can now save your template.