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Catholic Liturgical Hymns and Songs Lyrics

Gotteslob (Praise of God) book of hymns in Catholic churches in Germany
Gotteslob (Praise of God) book of hymns in Catholic churches in Germany

Browse the Online Catholic Liturgical Hymns and Songs Songbook to find the lyrics you are looking for:

  1. Entrance
  2. Kyrie
  3. Gloria
  4. Responsorial Psalm
  5. Alleluia/Gospel Acclamation
  6. Offertory/Preparation of Gifts
  7. Sanctus
  8. Memorial Acclamation
  9. Great Amen
  10. Lord’s Prayer
  11. Lamb of God
  12. Communion
  13. Finale
  14. Marian
  15. Lent
  16. Holy Week
  17. Inspirational
  18. Latin

Digital Catholic Songbook Lyrics Acknowledgement

My special thanks to the following songbooks that I used as sources:

  1. Magnificat (Golden Jubilee Edition) of the Immaculate Conception School of Theology (ICST) Community
  2. Magnificat (2016 Edition) of the Immaculate Conception School of Theology (ICST) Community
  3. The Best of Bukas Palad (volumes 1 & 2) of the Bukas Palad Music Ministry