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Exploring the Difference Between Intercessor and Mediator: What You Need to Know

In Catholic doctrine, the terms "intercessor" and "mediator" hold disti…

Uncovering the Sacred Sites: Where Are the Resting Places of the 12 Apostles

T he burial sites of the original 12 apostles hold immense historical and spiritual signifi…

Exploring the Origins and Meaning of the Term Catholic in 2024

T he term Catholic itself does not appear explicitly in the Bible. However, the concept of …

The Purpose of Purgatory: Unveiling its Spiritual Significance

Surprising facts about the Vatican by Carpe Diem Tours P urgatory occupies a unique place i…

Understanding the Catholic Priests' Vow of Celibacy

P riests in the Catholic Church are bound by the discipline of celibacy, which means they v…

The Folly of Faith Without Deeds

F aith without action is futile. This profound statement underscores the importance of alig…

Factors Impacting Catholic Laities Converting to Another Religion

C atholic Laities in the Philippines converts to another religion(s) for various reasons. W…

Exploring Contrasts in Catholic and Protestant Faith

Let's explore the key differences between Catholic and Protestant beliefs: Understandi…

Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

T he Nicene Creed affirms that the Church possesses four essential characteristics, often r…

The Church That Played a Significant Role in Compiling the Holy Bible

The Holy Bible was compiled through a process that spanned centuries and involved various i…

The Fascinating Christian History of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, also known as Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentin…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Revelation to John

T he Revelation to John was written at a time when Christians were being persecuted because…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Letter from Jude

T he Letter from Jude was written to warn against false teachers who claimed to be believer…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Third Letter of John

T he Third Letter of John was written by "the Elder" to a church leader named Gai…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Second Letter of John

T he Second Letter of John was written by "the Elder" to "the dear Lady and …

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The First Letter of John

T he First Letter of John has two main purposes: to encourage its readers to live in fellow…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Second Letter from Peter

T he Second Letter from Peter is addressed to a wide circle of early Christians. Its main c…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The First Letter from Peter

T he First Letter from Peter was addressed to Christians, here called "God's chose…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Letter from James

T he Letter from James is a collection of practical instructions, written to "all God&…

Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: The Letter to The Hebrews

T he Letter to the Hebrews was written to a group of Christians who, faced with increasing …