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Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Second Letter to The Corinthians

In the final chapters Paul defends his apostleship against a few people at Corinth who had set themselves up as true apostles.
Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul Second Letter to The Corinthians

Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians was written during a difficult period in his relations with the church at Corinth. Some members of the church had evidently made strong attacks against Paul, but he shows his deep longing for reconciliation and expresses his great joy when this is brought about.

In the first part of the letter Paul discusses his relationship with the church at Corinth, explaining why he had responded with severity to insult and opposition in the church and expressing his joy that this severity had resulted in repentance and reconciliation. Then he appeals to the church for a generous offering to help the needy Christians in Judea. In the final chapters Paul defends his apostleship against a few people at Corinth who had set themselves up as true apostles, while accusing Paul of being a false one.

Outline of Contents

  1. Introduction 1.1—11
  2. Paul and the church at Corinth 1.12—7.16
  3. The offering for the Christians in Judea 8.1—9.15
  4. Paul's defense of his authority as an apostle 10.1—13.10
  5. Conclusion 13.11—13


Paul's Second Letter to The Corinthians. (1972). In Catholic (Ed.), May they be one Bible: Good news translation (2013 ed., p. 1577). Bible Society.

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