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Dios Ama ay Say Apo (Lyrics)

1. Dios Ama ay say Apo, nasinop nan an-akmo Ay mandayaw en Sik-a, Diosmi ay wadad daya Sa…

Makilanglang Ken Jesus (Lyrics)

Noel Ian G. Rabago KORO 1: Daytoy ti Aldaw nga inaramid ti Apo, ala, agrag-o ken agragsa…

Agyamantay Ken Jesus (Lyrics)

Mike San Juan “Siak ti Dalan, ti Pudno ken ti Biag awan umay ken Ama no di magna Kaniak” …

When From the Darkness (Lyrics)

1. When from the darkness comes no light, When from the weeping comes no laughter; When i…

This is Our Accepted Time (Lyrics)

1. This is our accepted time, this is our salvation; Prayer and fasting are our hope, pena…

The Glory of these Forty Days (Lyrics)

Traditional 1. The glory of these forty days, we celebrate with songs of praise; For Chr…

Take Up Your Cross (Lyrics)

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1. Take up your cross, the Savior said, if you would my disci…

Lord Who Throughout these Forty Days (Lyrics)

Claudia Hernaman 1. Lord who throughout these forty days for us did fast and pray, Teach…

Ashes (Tony Conry Lyrics)

Tony Conry 1. We rise again from ashes, from the good we’ve failed to do. We rise again …

We Are God’s People (David Haas Lyrics)

David Haas ANTIPHON: We-------are God’s peo - ple the flock of the Lord. Ooh.. We------…

To My Father’s House (Lyrics)

1. Come And go with me to my Father’s house, To my Father’s house, to my Father’s house. …

O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Traditional Lyrics)

Traditional 1. O come, O come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lowly …

Daytoy ti Aldaw (Floro Bautista Lyrics)

Floro Bautista KORO: Daytoy ti aldaw nga inaramid ti Apo. Umay, umay kayo ta agragsaktay…

Daytoy ti Nagasat Nga Aldaw (Lyrics)

//:Pasangbayen, pasangbayen, pasangbayentay natan-ok nga Apo:// 1. Daytoy ti aldaw nga ina…

Intay Amin Sabaten (Lyrics)

Intay amin sabaten ti Apo, wen, intay amin saraboen ti Apo Wen, intay amin dayawen ti Apot…

Pasangbayen (Lyrics)

1. Intayon pasangbayen ti Apo, sarabuentay ti kankantatayo Isaguttay ti puspuso, kararrua …

Naarian Nga Ili (Romualde Batoon Lyrics)

Fr. Romualde Batoon 1. //: Maymaysa tayo nga ili, naarian nga ili, naconsagraran nga ili’…

Ti Timek ti Apo (Mike San Juan Lyrics)

Mike San Juan 1. Denggentay ti timek ti Apo, bumangon ket agridamtayo. Umasidegtay amin …

The Lord is My Light (John Foley Lyrics)

Based on Psalm 18:2-4; 27:1,4,7-9, 14 Fr. John Foley, SJ REF: The Lord is my light, the…

Glory and Praise to Our God (Lyrics)

Based on Psalms 65 and 66 Daniel Laurent Schutte REF: Glory and praise to our God, who …
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