The Nicene Creed affirms that the Church possesses four essential characteristics, often referred to as the "marks" of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. These four characteristics, or "marks," are essential features that reflect the Church's mission: Let’s delve into the significance of each:
- The Church is one because Christ established a single body through which to continue His ministry on earth.
- Rather than creating multiple churches, Jesus instituted one Church with apostolic succession and sacraments as the foundation of its unity. This fulfills Jesus’ prayer in John 17: "Father, may they be one, as you and I are one".
- Apostolic succession and the sacraments guarantee the Church's unity.
- The Church's holiness does not mean all her members are sinless saints.
- Rather, it signifies being "set apart." The Church's mission is to be "salt and light," pointing to Jesus as the Savior of the world.
- Her members strive to live holy lives, contributing to this mission.
- The word "catholic" means "universal."
- The Church exists for the whole of humanity, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries.
- Her universality allows for diverse liturgical expressions and traditions, all united by the same faith.
- To be Catholic is to embrace this universal mission.
- The Church's existence is rooted in the apostles, whom Jesus appointed to ensure the continuity of His teachings.
- Apostolic succession, carried out through the ministry of bishops, ensures the faithful transmission of Christ's message.
- The Pope, as the principle of unity, further guarantees the bishops' cohesion.
In summary, the Church is one body, holy, universal, and connected to its apostolic origins—a living continuation of Christ’s ministry, pointing humanity toward salvation.
- Ayre, H. (2022, September 12). The creed: One holy, Catholic, and Apostolic church [Blog post]. Retrieved from
- Saunders, W. (n.d.). The four marks of the Church [Blog post]. Retrieved from
- Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. (n.d.). Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 section 2 Chapter 3 article 9 paragraph 3 [Blog post]. Retrieved from
- Four marks of the Church. (2024, February 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from