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Catholic Introduction To The Old Testament: Prophet Zephaniah

The book contains the familiar prophetic themes: A day of doom and destruction is threatened when Judah will be punished for her worship of other god.
Catholic Introduction To The Old Testament: Prophet Zephaniah

The prophet Zephaniah preached in the latter part of the seventh century B.C., probably in the decade-'before King Josiah’s religious reforms of 621 B.C. The book contains the familiar prophetic themes: A day of doom and destruction is threatened, when Judah will be punished for her worship of other gods. The Lord will punish other nations also. Although Jerusalem is doomed, in time the city will he restored, with a humble and righteous people living there.

Outline of Contents

  1. The day of the Lord’s judgment 1.1—2.3
  2. The doom of Judah’s neighbors 2.4—15
  3. Jerusalem's doom and redemption 3.1—20


Prophet Zephaniah. (1972). In Catholic (Ed.), May they be one Bible: Good news translation (2013 ed., p. 1299). Bible Society.

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