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Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul's Letter to The Galatians

Paul's Letter to the Galatians was written in order to bring back to true faith and practice those people who were being misled by false teaching.
Catholic Introduction To The New Testament: Paul Letter to The Galatians

As the good news about Jesus began to be preached and welcomed among people who were not Jews, the question arose as to whether a person must obey the Law of Moses in order to be a true Christian. Paul had argued that this was not necessary—that in fact, the only sound basis for life in Christ was faith, by which all are put right with God. But among the churches of Galatia, a Roman province in Asia Minor, there had come people who opposed Paul and claimed that one must also observe the Law of Moses in order to be right with God.

Paul's Letter to the Galatians was written in order to bring back to true faith and practice those people who were being misled by this false teaching. Paul begins by defending his right to be called an apostle of Jesus Christ. He insists that his call to be an apostle came from God, not from any human authority, and that his mission was especially to the non-Jews. Then he develops the argument that it is by faith alone that people are put right with God. In the concluding chapters Paul shows that Christian conduct flows naturally from the love that results from faith in Christ.

Outline of Contents

  1. Introduction 1.1—10
  2. Paul's authority as an apostle 1.11—2.21
  3. The gospel of God's grace 3.1—4.31
  4. Christian freedom and responsibility 5.1—6.10
  5. Conclusion 6.11—18


Paul's Letter to The Galatians. (1972). In Catholic (Ed.), May they be one Bible: Good news translation (2013 ed., p. 1589). Bible Society.

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