Fr. Jeremias B. Cera
From heaven the Lord looks down on the earth
The nations shall revere your name O Lord
All the kings of the earth your glory
When the Lord rebuilt Zion and appeared in His glory
When the Lord beheld the summon of the destitute
And not despised their prayer (REFRAIN)
Do stanza Chords:
Let this be written for generations to come
And let his future creatures praise the Lord
He gazes from His dwelling, from the heavens,
He beheld the earth
To listen to the groaning of the prisoners
And release those doomed to die. (Repeat REFRAIN then transpose - G/ A)
The children of your servants shall all abide
And their children shall continue in your presence
That His name be declared in Zion and his presence in Jerusalem
When the peoples come together and as one
And the kingdoms to serve the Lord.