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I Am the Bread of Life (Suzanne Toolan Lyrics)

Suzanne Toolan. 1. I am the Bread of Life./ You who come to Me shall not hunger, And who believe in Me shall not thirst. No one can come to Me.
Catholic songbook: Liturgical hymns and songs lyrics

Suzanne Toolan

1. I am the Bread of Life./ You who come to Me shall not hunger,
And who believe in Me shall not thirst.
No one can come to Me I unless the Father draw them.

And I will raise you up, and I will raise you up,
And I will raise you up on the last day.

2. The bread that I will give/ is My flesh for the life of the world,
And if you eat of this bread,/ You shall live forever,/ shall live forever. (REF)

3. Unless you eat/ of the flesh of the Son of Man.
And drink of His blood,/ and drink of His blood,/ you shall not have life within you. (REF)

4. I am the Resurrection,/ I am the Life.
If you believe in Me,/ even though you die,/ you shall live forever. (REF)

5. Yes, Lord, I believe/ that You are the Christ,
The Son of God,/ Who has come I into the world. (REF)

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