Gotteslob (Praise of God) book of hymns in Catholic churches in Germany |
Browse the Online Catholic Liturgical Hymns and Songs Songbook to find the lyrics you are looking for:
- Entrance
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Responsorial Psalm
- Alleluia/Gospel Acclamation
- Offertory/Preparation of Gifts
- Sanctus
- Memorial Acclamation
- Great Amen
- Lord’s Prayer
- Lamb of God
- Communion
- Finale
- Marian
- Lent
- Holy Week
- Inspirational
- Latin
Digital Catholic Songbook Lyrics Acknowledgement
My special thanks to the following songbooks that I used as sources:
- Magnificat (Golden Jubilee Edition) of the Immaculate Conception School of Theology (ICST) Community
- Magnificat (2016 Edition) of the Immaculate Conception School of Theology (ICST) Community
- The Best of Bukas Palad (volumes 1 & 2) of the Bukas Palad Music Ministry